

SASHLA offers sponsorships every conference to allow entities opportunities to be a part of the SASHLA Conference. SASHLA offers 3 conferences a year (spring, summer, fall) where entities can choose a sponsorship for that conference.

Sponsor Us

Sponsorship levels and benefits

  • Gold:$500 per conference

    Benefits Include:

    A link to the donator’s site on the SASHLA website.

    Opportunity to have SASHLA advertise a job posting through email and social media at the beginning of the month, one time per month for the fiscal year.

    At live event: a table at one CEU event for public relation OR At virtual event: job posting and/or sponsoring entities logo on slides before, during breaks, and after the virtual event sessions.

    A free SASHLA membership for an employee.

  • Silver:$250 per conference

    Benefits Include:

    A link to the donator’s site on the SASHLA website.

    Opportunity to have SASHLA advertise a job posting through email and social media at the beginning of the month, one time per month for 6 months, for the fiscal year.

    At live event: a table at one CEU event for public relation OR At virtual event: job posting and/or sponsoring entities logo on slides before, during breaks, and after the virtual event sessions.

  • Bronze:$100 per conference

    Benefits Include:

    A link to the donator’s site on the SASHLA website.

    Opportunity to have SASHLA advertise a job posting through email and social media at the beginning of the month, one time per month for 3-4 months (leading up to the next 1 CEU event).

Thank you to our Gold sponsors AIM!

Thank you to our Gold sponsors Tx-Star!

  • Hiring SLPs at our San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas locations.

  • https://tx-star.com/jobs/

  • Email: team@tx-star.com

Thank you to our Gold sponsors speech specialists of san antonio!

Thank you to our silver sponsors Alamo head injury association!

  • "The mission of the Alamo Head Injury Association [AHIA] is to improve the quality of life for survivors of acquired brain injury (ABI) and their caregivers. AHIA exists to assist survivors and their caregivers to cope with the changes in their lives by providing a forum for networking through our monthly support groups, identifying helpful resources, providing recovery process education, and offering grants to qualified applicants."

  • In-Person Meetings:
    July Wednesday the 24th at 6:30
    August Wednesday the 28th at 6:30
    September Wednesday the 25th at 6:30
    October Wednesday the 23rd at 6:30 – Halloween Bash
    November Wednesday the 20th at 6:30
    December Wednesday the 4th at 6:00 – Holiday Get-Together Subject to change.

    Virtual Caregiver Meetings:
    July Tuesday the 16th at 6:30
    August Tuesday the 20th at 6:30
    September Tuesday the 17th at 6:30
    October Tuesday the 15th at 6:30
    November No meeting this month.
    December Tuesday the 17th at 6:30